There are no shortcuts. Being an artist is about so much more than making music. This career path takes a tremendous amount of hard work, resilience, dedication, and straight up blind belief. This class is designed for pre-professional and professional artists who are looking to build a sustainable career in today’s market. It takes a village of support to thrive in this industry. My hope is for this course to shine a light on what it really means to make a living in the arts, and how to do it.

If you love making music and want people to hear it, you need to think about your brand. Your brand is like your musical identity – it’s what makes you, YOU!

Now, let’s talk about the business side. It’s like running a lemonade stand but with your music. You want people to enjoy your lemonade, so you have to think about how you’re going to sell it.

When you make awesome music, it’s like having a secret recipe for the best lemonade. You want to share it, but you also want people to know it’s yours. That’s where copyright comes in. It’s like putting your name on your lemonade stand so everyone knows it’s YOUR special recipe.

To sum it up: Make great music, brand it, and when you share your music, make sure it’s protected. That way, you’re not just making music – you’re building your own community and fandom!


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